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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Exclusive: Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt refers to 'Israeli terrorists' in Burgas on his blog

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (whom, as you might recall, was one of the main defenders of the blood libel that Israel was 'harvesting organs' of 'Palestinians' a couple of years ago) met with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Monday in Brussels.

Bildt wrote about the meeting on his blog (in Swedish). Reader Mikael G, who is Swedish, sent me the following account:
The Swedish foreign minister Carl Bildt was in Brussels yesterday. A day full of conferences and meetings, the last one with your FM. As usual he wrote about the events on his blog, (carlbildt.wordpress.com) but in the end it just did not come out right. (The blog is in swedish, so my translation below.)

"At the end of the day we had a dinner in a smaller group of ministers with the Israeli foreign minister.

Our positions regarding the peace process with the palestinians - not least the settler policy - are very different, but it was useful to be able to discuss also the wider regional events.

They are important to us, and to Israel.

And we had the opportunity again, to express our forceful condemnation of the terror attack in Burgas against the Israeli terrorists." [sic!]

("Dagen avslutades med middag i en mindre krets av ministrar med den israeliska utrikesministern. Våra positioner när det gäller fredsprocessen med palestinierna – och inte minst bosättningspolitiken – är starkt skilda, men det var i alla fall av värde att utöver den diskussionen också kunna utväxla olika synpunkter på den vidare regionala utvecklingen. Den berör oss, och den berör också Israel. Och vi hade på nytt möjlighet att uttrycka vårt kraftiga fördömande av terrorattacken i Burgas mot de israeliska terroristerna.")

The blog is corrected now, but I downloaded the cache before the change.


Well, well, Freud had a few things to say about this, as does the Bible.

Maybe this is something for the Latma Tribe?
Hmmm. I'm surprised he bothered to correct it.

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At 5:01 PM, Blogger Empress Trudy said...

He must be banned from Israel for life. That goes w.o. saying.


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